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The Sales Funnel For Effective Online Marketing

Apr 26

For centuries, the sales funnel has been an an integral part of traditional marketing and business. In recent times however, it appears that funnels are being discussed everywhere online.

It is clear that people want to know more about this idea and how they could use it to improve their online business marketing efforts. Read on to know more about the sales funnel to ensure Internet marketing successful.

What is the Sales Funnel?

No, a marketing funnel isn't a real funnel. The use of the word "funnel" to describe this concept of marketing is to aid in visualizing and explaining the sales process from beginning to the conclusion. Because it uses a wide opening for customers who are "Unqualified Prospects" on the top and an even smaller opening for converted sales at the bottom the funnel can be a precise comparison.

We may call these "unqualified prospects" at the top or entry of the funnel. These are the those who may require your services or products however haven't been contacted by you before. You'll have many opportunities and sales later and you'll have people who have purchased your product or service.

Another reason the concept of a lead generation funnel works is that it allows you to monitor your potential prospects actions throughout the expanded sales process. Utilizing the sales funnel to determine the number of prospects who are qualified at every stage, you can determine the number of potential customers who will become actual customers.

A sales funnel can help you see the areas where your sales strategy is failing or successful, or whether your campaign isn't attracting enough prospects. This information helps you choose the best place to focus your efforts to ensure that sales are on the right level and that you are meeting your the marketing objectives. It is used to monitor and control the process of selling of clients.

The Sales Funnel Top Front or End

The uppermost part of your sales funnel will be the most active part of your sales funnel and will require the most constant testing. There is no limit to your creativity or resources in front-end strategies.

The front-end's main objective will be to draw in prospective customers and turn those buyers into buyers further through the sales funnel.

When a potential customer decides to sign up for your offering, they are "qualified". This is the moment when the prospective customer or "Unqualified Lead" becomes qualified. It's because they took an action that indicates that they may be interested in buying your products or services.

You must drive targeted traffic on your blog, website or squeeze page for your front-end to work. The most effective methods and resources for doing this are articles marketing, PPC adverts, social media (Google+, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube) banners, forums, blogging, content marketing and more.

You'll find that there are a variety of tools available to "qualify" those who are "Unqualified Prospect". One of the more effective is the use of a squeeze page that allows you to provide something valuable relevant to your product or service which people can receive at no cost or at a at a significantly reduced cost in exchange for the exchange of their email address and name. There are a variety of products to choose from, including newsletters, videos, email courses ebooks, as well as related reports.

The front-end of your sales funnel is where potential customers are drawn to your company. The back-end is what we should be focusing on.


The Bottom or Back-End of the Funnel

The bottom or back-end of the sales funnel is where the majority of profits and sales are made. It usually contains your higher priced products. They all belong to the same niche however in a different format like audio, video or live interactions.

The main difference between front and back-ends is in the type of client as well as the cost of the product/service being provided.

While it's true that just one percent, or 1-2% of the overall number of folks who enter your front end will finish up in the back-end. Since a small portion of people invest more, that's fine.

Products and services that are front-end may cost less than $100, but back-end products, services, and services typically run between 100 and 1000 dollars. This means that the lowest end of the sales channel which is also known as the back-end, is the most important source of revenue.

The sales funnel can be as complex or simple as you would like it to be, as long you have the proper resources and the right ideas.

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