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Old Historical Maps Of The U.S. That Are Rural And Colonial

Jun 23

A wonderful tool for learning about a location at a certain period is a map of the United States. For historical, genealogical, and territorial research, old U.S. maps are a great source of geographic data.

The images in this collection provide a visual history of American progress. Old maps of Texas, Colorado, Massachusetts, and North Carolina are all examples of historical maps. From the sixteenth century until the present, the maps comprise:

  • U.S. maps, such as those that show the evolution of the first government surveys
  • Maps of the U.S. highways, roads, and railroads
  • American maps that highlight the country's geographical aspects
  • American nautical charts
  • State boundary modifications in the US throughout time
  • American military maps
  • Specific cities, states, islands, ports, and water bodies are shown on U.S. maps
  • United States maps from the Colonial and Territorial periods

Select a map from any of the 50 states! For the majority of the states, we have numerous old maps that illustrate their evolution from territories to states.

Our extensive collection of old state maps includes the creations of many well-known cartographers, offering a variety of viewpoints. Each mapmaker had their own unique style, much as contemporary painters do. Fans of historical maps may identify the distinctive features of their favorite mapmakers.

Colonial America and United States Atlas Maps

Follow the development of our country through its colonies, territories, and statehood!

Years of U.S. State and Territory Formation, 1776–1912

From the country's founding in 1776 through 1912, every state's defunct territory, historical borders, names, organizational structure, and affiliations are shown on this interactive map of the United States.

Colonial America and the United States on Old Atlases

This U.S. state map displays each state and territory's historical borders, names, organizational structure, and affiliations from the country's founding in 1776 through 1912.